
Protein Causes of Man Baldness

Researchers have identified a protein that is responsible for male baldness. Thus expected to be found an effective treatment for baldness in men. Male baldness has affected 8 out of 10 men and causes hair follicles to shrink and produce microscopic hairs, which grow for shorter duration than normal hair. "Often we see the baldness in men when the hair follicles are still there. So specialist concluded that, the existence of male baldness is caused due to the lack of a chemical compound for hair growth or the presence of inhibitors," said Dr. George Cotsarelis, a dermatology professor of Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania...

Carrot Effective to Help a Success Diet

You must already know this vegetable, yeah, that is carrot, carrots are one of the many foods that contain vitamin A. Vitamin A is very good for maintaining healthy eyes. But later revealed if carrots can help you lose weight. In addition to vitamin A, these vegetables also contain lots of fiber, minerals and other nutrients that are very useful for the body. Provided you know carrots do not contain fat and cholesterol. So for those of you who are on a diet it would be nice to change your diet with this rabbit's favorite vegetable. Carrots contain high fiber and water content are also abundant. So that by consuming these vegetables you will feel...

The Benefits of Seaweed For Weight Loss

Seaweed is one of the plant are rich in fiber that's good for the digestive process. Some time ago in Washington DC held research and the result is a brown seaweed algae species contain fibers that can cause the sensation of a full stomach, so eating seaweed is very helpful for your diet program. The research was conducted of the Faculty of Science – University of Copenhagen. According to them, fiber contained in seaweed brown algae causing the consumer always feel full and shown to decrease appetite. Based on case studies conducted over a 12 week, consuming most of the alginate can lost weight significantly. While that does not consume alginate...

The Benefits of Apples for Healthy Diet

Shrink the stomach can be done in many ways, one of them by eating fruits that contain lots of fiber such as apples. Fruit that has a sweet but slightly sour taste is indeed much-loved person as a dessert. But, do you know you can also use apple diet as a means to shrink the stomach? Shrink stomach with apples is very effective because in a lot of apples contained no fat or calories. But instead, the apple contains fiber that are beneficial to expedite the disposal process in your body. Besides apples themselves contain different vitamins that our body needs. Apples contain vitamin A that's good for the eyes as well as Vitamin C to boost immunity. Why...
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